This story is from Chris D., who has been in our program since mid June 2022. Chris gives and receives grace, as a person developing leadership skills and as a scholarship recipient before he was able to find employment:
Before I found RLM my life was total chaos. I found myself addicted to multiple substances and homeless. I knew I needed structure and guidance. Early in the program it was difficult for me to adhere to the structure and to feel like I belonged in anything resembling a normal life. Over time I’ve been learning how to live a life that is worth living. The guidance I receive from staff is invaluable as they present different avenues that lead toward the goals I have set for myself. I have never felt as seen, heard and supported as I do at RLM and I will always value to the relationships I’ve formed here. When I was dealing with a major loss in my family very early in sobriety, I truly felt like there was no better circumstance I could have found myself in. Surrounded by honest and supportive people with priorities that are aligned with my own. I would whole heartedly recommend RLM to anyone who is struggling with addiction.