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About Us

We want to make our community a better place through increasing resiliency first in those who need it most. We provide education in evidence-based wellness skills, focus on SMART goal setting, and practice non-judgmental, compassionate listening in order to provide the most relevant tools necessary for recovery from SUDs.

RLM is seeking to reduce the stigma around Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) and enlist of our community to support services to those who are most in need, yet have the least in resources. 

We have been a vital part of our community since May of 1990 when we were known as Phoenix House. In 2013 Pastor Robert Johnson, Member Emeritus, renamed us and we were incorporated as Reviving Lives Ministries. We have continued to grow with the help of our donors and grantors who make it possible to carry our mission forward. Through all these years our purpose still remains the same: bring healing to those who are suffering.

Our Foundation and Business Partners

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  • Duke Logo
    Duke Logo
  • Truist Bank
    Truist Bank
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    Placeholder Logo


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    Placeholder Logo

    Fund Development

  • NCCF
  • CCHC
  • Seasoned Southerners
    Seasoned Southerners