Developing the wellness of mind, body and spirit is our highest priority. Our staff and community partners teach wellness skills through a multi-faceted approach. Residents journal throughout the week to explore concepts of personal strengths, spiritual principals, and personal goal-setting. Our staff are called Care Coordinators because they practice active listening and guide each individual toward resources that help them accomplish personal goals. Each week our residents meet one-on-one with the Care Coordinator, attend a healing movement and meditation class, and a weekly class that serves a variety of needs. Our classes are taught by licensed clinicians, registered dieticians, and staff, depending on the time of year and common needs in the group.
In early recovery it is often difficult to know or remember what we enjoy. RLM has several generous grantors who support our residents on regular leisure activities like camping, pier fishing, and holiday oriented activities like the Nightmare Factory. We also regularly share meals together and celebrate important milestones in recovery.